气之第十六个骨气秋分是二十四节,第四个骨气也是秋季的。国阴历按照中,为九十天秋季分。”为始“立秋,”为末“霜降。季九十天中分秋分正好将秋。 tumn EquinoxAfter the Au,perature difference between day and night. Thusit becomes colder and drier. There is a big tem,ve a bland diet and drink more water. Due to the variation in the lengths of day and nightchoose weather-appropriate clothes to avoid catching a cold. And it would be better to ha,oo late and keep fit so that we can have enough energy every daywe need to follow a regular life schedule. Try not to stay up t. Autumn EquinoxOn the day of ,hemispheres. The length of night will get longer than that of day in the northern hemisphere until the Spring Equinox of the coming yearthe sunlight shines vertically on the equator. The length of day and the length of night are almost equal in both southern and northern . 事后秋分,清冷干燥气象趋于,差增大日夜温,防寒保暖必要细心,合时增减衣物依据气象状况。宜平淡口胃,喝水多。是非的改变因为日夜,作息法则应连结,熬夜避免,育陶冶增强体,明升娱乐导航,形态应接每一天以优良的心灵。 ts drierAs it ge,nd lakes decreases. Some swamps and puddles are drying upwater evaporates quickly. The amount of water in rivers a. 之日秋分,地球赤道太阳直射,夜中分环球昼。年春分直至来,昼短夜长北半球将。